Session has posted a new update on their Steam page:
Sup guys,
Today we have some massive news to share with you all. (no it’s not the release date) It’s bigger than that!
But what’s bigger than update release date?
A publishing deal with Nacon, That’s pretty f**king big!So over the last few years, several publishing companies have reached out to us and we thought none of them fit the Session brand until the team at Nacon reached out to us like a Tactical Ballistic Missile and blow us away with their passion, inspiration and a battle plan for Session we couldn’t ignore.
This deal obviously means many positive things for us, the community and the Studio as a whole and beyond what we could ever hope for.
Better licensing and branding integration, more localisation options, more platforms, and so on. As you can imagine, the team will grow and has already started to grow, which adds to a greater and faster development pace, grander objectives but more importantly, allowing us to fulfil the vision we always dreamt of for Session.Better communications and structure for the community as we now have a dedicated community team to better bridge the information between us all.
And this only is a handful of things Nacon brings to the dinner table.
So fasten your seatbelts homies because we’re about to crush everything in our paths like an angry juggernaut on a rampage!We want to thank all of you guys in the community old and new for sticking by us every step of the way! 2021 will be FA!
If you want to check out what Nacon is all about, here’s a link to their site.
Now for that update…
As you guys know the Kickstarter backers have been testing the build for us so we can get their feedback and polish up as much as possible before we release the cleanest possible update into the wild as we can.
We have been working non-stop, across 5 different time zones getting ready for you guys and we can tell you it’s right around the corner this month!
So be ready!Before we go, we’d like to share a few videos our good friends sent us, who are going to be joining the Session roster in the upcoming updates!
We can’t wait to kick 2021’s ass with you and Nacon on our side.
Great things lay ahead and is only the start!Thank you guys keep shredding PEACE!
-The crea-ture team.
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