Session has posted a new update on their Steam page:
We’ve officially hit Spring here in Montreal, and there is a buzz of excitement on the team as we get ready for our upcoming releases and finally some outdoor skating!
We’re also happy to share that Donovan is continuing on his road to recovery and he’s been back to pumping out awesome content on the regular. Our latest board breaking clips have surpassed our unique viewer counts on any social clip to date…and we’re just getting started, so it’s not just us that’s buzzing!
We’re also super sad to see the latest news changes in the industry, and couldn’t believe what we were reading regarding our favorite teams and riders. If we know one thing though, it’s that when skaters slam they get right back up! We’re excited to see what new growth will come out of these changes!
Since the last updateSession production has been moving along at full speed. We released our first PC update, PC1.1, in February and we’re stoked to see that the new onboarding and general accessibility changes have had a positive impact for players. The release of PC1.1 and subsequent deliverables made the last month a hectic time!
PC1.2 drops today and includes some fun updates that the team is excited to share, so let’s get to it.
All of the following will also be included for free in our next platform wide updates!
PC1.2:Board Breaking
- Board breaking is being released in the Experimental menu for this update, and is turned Off by Default.
- Is functional in gameplay and in the Replay Editor!
- When turned ON – the system tracks several factors:
- Wear & Tear (On & Off)
- When set to “Off” the likelihood of breaks < drastically
- Drop height
- Landing angle
- Landing on any slope < chances of breaking on big drops
Broken Board Video: https://youtu.be/hkNqOgYsy98
Broken on Rail: https://youtube.com/shorts/q_1E4FfKQZUAudio Updates
- Catch SFX integration – the player now plays catch audio on any trick with player & board separation
Board Stacked Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/VyhqfMu0eGQ
- Reverb tweaks
- Volume & attenuation adjustments
- Flat spot probability decreased
PC1.2 ContentObject Dropper Assets:
Stacked Decks
Available in 3/4/5 deck combosKicker Ramp
Skateshop contentWe’re excited to experiment with the more fun side of skating – the addition of costumes to the skate shop will give us some fun opportunities moving forward. Welcome to Session @LiquidDeath!
Available in the skate shop now – grab your in game wallets $$$
Costume – Liquid Death
Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Tc4tzIwMq3QPanda Head!
Bucket Hat
Brimmed Beanie
Beyond the fun content, feature updates, and long term planning, we’re setting the design and tech foundations for further improvements and additions. As stated last month, the Roadmap is still evolving as we grow and define our next steps, but keeping aligned with players and growing Session is our main focus!
Clearing our Experimental menu features into full release features, as well as core gameplay fixes, are on there too!
What’s Next:Recruitment at crea-ture studios continues.
Open positions can be found at https://www.crea-turestudios.com/careers/
Keep an eye on our Social channels and Steam page for future updates and Dev Blogs, including an updated roadmap…
The crea-ture team!
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