It’s a long weekend, and Season 4 is now live in MLB® The Show™ 23. To celebrate, we are hosting an extended Twitch Drops for All Weekend! Twitch Drops begins on Thursday, August 31st at 12:30 PM PT and runs until Tuesday, September 4th at 1:00 AM PT. Head over to Twitch and earn packs by watching any MLB® The Show™ 23 broadcast tagged with ‘Drops Enabled’. To participate, simply link your Twitch and platform account to your MLB® The Show™ Account. Don’t have an MLB The Show Account? Detailed instructions and additional information on connecting your account can be found in a dedicated thread on the MLB® The Show™ forums.
Like our previous Twitch Drops for All campaigns, fans can earn up to five MLB® The Show™ 23 Twitch Packs by watching Drops Enabled streams for at least 30 minutes and claiming each pack. Once you’ve claimed the first five packs, you can go even further and earn a Special MLB® The Show™ 23 Twitch Pack by watching an additional 60 minutes. That’s a total of six packs per day for five days! Remember to claim each pack upon earning it and note that packs may take up to 24 hours to appear in your in-game inventory.
But that’s not all! Exclusively for this Extended Weekend, fans can earn five more Twitch Packs and one Elite Twitch Pack, which includes TWO Number Retirement Choice Packs and TWO Jumbo Show Packs! To earn the Elite Twitch Pack, just watch any MLB® The Show™ 23 broadcast tagged with ‘Drops Enabled’ and you will earn a Twitch Pack every four hours, with the final pack being the Elite Twitch Pack unlocked after another four hours, so 24 hours of cumulative watch time.
Make sure your account is linked, head over to the MLB The Show 23 directory on Twitch, and make sure you claim those packs once you reach them. Explore your favorite creators and take some time to browse the entire directory, where you’ll find countless amazing content creators who are playing and supporting MLB® The Show™ 23.